Monday, August 20, 2007
Broadband access
Many companies are closely examining WiMAX for "last mile" connectivity at high data rates. The resulting competition may bring lower pricing for both home and business customers, or bring broadband access to places where it has been economically unavailable. Prior to WiMAX, many operators have been using proprietary fixed wireless technologies for broadband services.
WiMAX access was used to assist with communications in Aceh, Indonesia, after the tsunami in December 2004. All communication infrastructures, other than Ham Radio in the area were destroyed making the survivors unable to communicate with people outside the disaster area and vice versa. WiMAX provided broadband access that helped regenerate communication to and from Aceh.
Intel also worked to install a WiMAX network in New Orleans to assist with communications efforts in the aftermath Hurricane Katrina.
[edit] Subscriber units
WiMAX subscriber units are available in both indoor and outdoor versions from several manufacturers. Self-install indoor units are convenient, but radio losses mean that the subscriber must be significantly closer to the WiMAX base station than with professionally installed external units. As such, indoor installed units require a much higher infrastructure investment as well as operational cost (site lease, backhaul, maintenance) due to the high number of base stations required to cover a given area. Indoor units are comparable in size to a cable modem or DSL modem. Outdoor units are roughly the size of a laptop PC, and their installation is comparable to a residential satellite dish.
With the advent of mobility ("16e"), there is an increasing focus on portable units. This includes handsets (similar to cellular smartphones) and PC peripherals (PC Cards or USB dongles). In addition, there is much emphasis from operators on consumer electronics devices (games terminals, MP3 players and the like); it is notable this is more similar to WiFi than 3G cellular technologies.
[edit] Mobile applications
Some cellular companies are evaluating WiMAX as a means of increasing bandwidth for a variety of data-intensive applications; Sprint Nextel announced in mid-2006 that it would invest about US$ 3 billion in a WiMAX technology buildout over the next few years[2].
In line with these possible applications is the technology's ability to serve as a high bandwidth "backhaul" for Internet or cellular phone traffic from remote areas back to an Internet backbone. Although the cost per user/point of WiMAX in a remote application will be higher, it is not limited to such applications, and may be an answer to reducing the cost of T1/E1 backhaul as well. Given the limited wired infrastructure in some developing countries, the costs to install a WiMAX station in conjunction with an existing cellular tower or even as a solitary hub are likely to be small in comparison to developing a wired solution. Areas of low population density and flat terrain are particularly suited to WiMAX and its range. For countries that have skipped wired infrastructure as a result of prohibitive costs and unsympathetic geography, WiMAX can enhance wireless infrastructure in an inexpensive, decentralized, deployment-friendly and effective manner.
[edit] Technical information
WiMAX is a term coined to describe standard, interoperable implementations of IEEE 802.16 wireless networks, in a rather similar way to Wi-Fi being interoperable implementations of the IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN standard. However, WiMAX is very different from Wi-Fi in the way it works.
[edit] MAC layer/data link layer
In Wi-Fi the media access controller (MAC) uses contention access — all subscriber stations that wish to pass data through a wireless access point (AP) are competing for the AP's attention on a random interrupt basis. This can cause subscriber stations distant from the AP to be repeatedly interrupted by closer stations, greatly reducing their throughput. This makes services such as Voice over IP (VoIP) or IPTV, which depend on an essentially constant Quality of Service (QoS) depending on data rate and interruptibility, difficult to maintain for more than a few simultaneous users.
In contrast, the 802.16 MAC uses a scheduling algorithm for which the subscriber station need compete once (for initial entry into the network). After that it is allocated an access slot by the base station. The time slot can enlarge and contract, but remains assigned to the subscriber station which means that other subscribers cannot use it. In addition to being stable under overload and over-subscription (unlike 802.11), the 802.16 scheduling algorithm can also be more bandwidth efficient. The scheduling algorithm also allows the base station to control QoS parameters by balancing the time-slot assignments among the application needs of the subscriber stations.
[edit] Physical layer
The original WiMAX standard (IEEE 802.16) specified WiMAX for the 10 to 66 GHz range. 802.16a, updated in 2004 to 802.16-2004, added specifications for the 2 to 11 GHz range. 802.16-2004 was updated to 802.16e in 2005 and uses scalable orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (SOFDMA) as opposed to the OFDM version with 256 sub-carriers (of which 200 are used) in 802.16d. More advanced versions including 802.16e also bring Multiple Antenna Support through Multiple-input multiple-output communications (MIMO). This brings potential benefits in terms of coverage, self installation, power consumption, frequency re-use and bandwidth efficiency. 802.16e also adds a capability for full mobility support. The WiMAX certification allows vendors with 802.16d products to sell their equipment as WiMAX certified, thus ensuring a level of interoperability with other certified products, as long as they fit the same profile.
Most commercial interest is in the 802.16d and .16e standards, since the lower frequencies used in these variants suffer less from inherent signal attenuation and therefore give improved range and in-building penetration. Already today, a number of networks throughout the World are in commercial operation using certified WiMAX equipment compliant with the 802.16d standard.
[edit] Comparison with Wi-Fi
Possibly due to the fact both WiMAX and Wi-Fi begin with the same two letters, are based upon IEEE standards beginning with 802. and both have a connection to wireless connectivity and the Internet, comparisons and confusion between the two are frequent. Despite this, both standards are aimed at different applications.
* WiMAX is a long range system, covering many kilometers, that uses licensed or unlicensed spectrum to deliver a point-to-point connection to the Internet from an ISP to an end user. Different 802.16 standards provide different types of access, from mobile (analogous to access via a cellphone) to fixed (an alternative to wired access, where the end user's wireless termination point is fixed in location.)
* Wi-Fi is a shorter range system, typically hundreds of meters, that uses unlicensed spectrum to provide access to a network, typically covering only the network operator's own property. Typically Wi-Fi is used by an end user to access their own network, which may or may not be connected to the Internet. If WiMAX provides services analogous to a cellphone, Wi-Fi is more analogous to a cordless phone.
* WiMAX has QoS (Quality of Service) whilst Wi-Fi is 'best effort', which makes the former a more robust telecom application: QoS allows preferential treatment of certain service flows (such as voice over data) and/or customers.
* WiMAX is highly scalable from what are called 'femto' scale remote stations to multi-sector 'maxi' scale base that handle complex tasks of management and mobile handoff functions and include MIMO-AAS smart antenna subsystems.
Due to the ease and low cost with which Wi-Fi can be deployed, it is sometimes used to provide Internet access to third parties within a single room or building available to the provider, sometimes informally, and sometimes as part of a business relationship. For example, many coffee shops, hotels, and transportation hubs contain Wi-Fi access points providing access to the Internet for patrons.
[edit] Spectrum allocation issues
The 802.16 specification applies across a wide swath of the RF spectrum, and theoretically WiMAX can function on any frequency below 10GHz, (higher would decrease the range of a Base Station to a few 100 meters in an urban environment).
There is no uniform global licensed spectrum for WiMAX, however the WiMAX Forum has published three licsensed spectrum profiles: 2.3GHz, 2.5GHz and 3.5GHz, in an effort to decrease cost: Economies of scale dictate that higher the amount of WiMAX embedded devices such as mobile phones and WiMAX embedded laptops are produced, the lower the unit cost. (The two highest cost components of producing a mobile phone is silicon and the extra radio needed for each band). Similar economy of scale benefit applies to the production of Base Stations.
In the unlicensed band, 5.x GHz is the approved profile. Telecom companies will not widely use this spectrum other than potentially for backhaul, as they cannot own and control the spectrum.
When the GSM standard was first set, no substantial efforts were initially made to limit the amount of fequencies used for GSM globally. This led to reletively high production cost of handsets and Base Stations. Only late in the game was this revisted, leading to 4 frequency bands. The WiMAX Forum likely has tried to apply lessons learnt from other standards.
In the US, the biggest segment available is around 2.5 GHz[3], and is already assigned, primarily to Sprint Nextel and Clearwire. Elsewhere in the world, the most likely bands used will be the Forum approved ones, with 2.3 GHz probably being most important in Asia. Some countries in Asia like India, Vietnam and Indonesia will use a mix of 3.3 GHz and other frequencies.
Analogue TV bands (700MHz) may become available for WiMAX use, but await the complete rollout of digital TV, and there will be other uses suggested for that spectrum. In the U.S. The FCC auction for this spectrum is scheduled for the end of 2007. EU commissioner Viviane Reding has suggested re-allocation of 500-800 MHz spectrum for wireless communication, including WiMAX [1].
WiMAX profiles define channel size, TDD/FDD and other necessary attributes in order to have inter-operating products. The current fixed profiles define for both TDD and FDD profiles. At this point, all of the mobile profiles are TDD only. The fixed profiles have channel sizes of 3.5 MHz, 5 MHz, 7 MHz and 10 MHz. The mobile profiles are 5 MHz, 8.75 MHz and 10 MHz. (Note: the 802.16 standard allows far wider variety of channels, but only the above subsets are supported as WiMAX profiles).
A major trend in capabilities that mitigates concerns about homogeneous global spectrum is the increasing ability of multi-mode and multi-spectrum wireless ICs and antenna components. This provides a form of de-facto deregulation of spectrum as multiple spectra can be aggregated via hardware. This trend has appeared in the cellular and now will advance in the field based on the WiMAX standard for wireless broadband. Keep in mind that this is the 1st broad standard for WWAN systems under which standard multi-mode silicon is being developed.
One of the significant advantages of advanced wireless systems such as WiMAX is spectral efficiency. For example, 802.16-2004 (fixed) has a spectral efficiency of 3.7 bit/s/hertz. But all 3.5-4G wireless systems similarly offer spectral efficiencies that are within a few tenths of a percent. The more notable advantage comes from combining SOFDMA with smart antenna technologies. This multiplies the effective spectral efficiency through multiple reuse and smart network deployment topologies. The direct use of frequency domain organization simplifies designs using MIMO-AAS compared to CDMA/WCDMA methods, resulting in more effective systems.
[edit] Limitations
A commonly held misconception is that WiMAX will deliver 70 Mbit/s, over 30 miles (48 kilometers). Both of these qualities are true individually, given ideal circumstances, but they are not simultaneously true. WiMAX has some similarities to DSL in this respect, where one can either have high bandwidth or long reach, but not both simultaneously.
The nature of wireless communications dictates that the antenna design will have a substantial impact on what is achievable. Typically, Fixed WiMAX networks have a higher-gain directional antenna installed externally at the customer's premises which results in greatly increased range and throughput. Mobile WiMAX networks comprise mostly of indoor CPEs such as desktop modems, laptops with integrated Mobile WiMAX or other Mobile WiMAX devices. Mobile WiMAX devices typically have an antenna design which is of lower-gain by nature due to their inherent omni-directional (and portable) design. In practice this means that in a line-of-sight environment with a portable Mobile WiMAX CPE, symmetrical speeds of 10 Mbit/s at 10 km could be delivered, but in urban environments it is more likely that these devices will not have line-of-sight and therefore users may only receive 10 Mbit/s over 2 km. Higher-gain directional antennas can be used with a Mobile WiMAX network with range and throughput benefits but the obvious loss of practical mobility.
Like most wireless systems, available bandwidth is shared between users in a given radio sector, so performance could deteriorate in the case of many active users on a single sector, especially if proper capacity planning has not been undertaken. In practice, many users will have a range of 2-, 4-, 6-, 8-, 10- or 12 Mbit/s services and additional radio cards will be added to the base station to increase the capacity as required.
Because of this, various granular and distributed network architectures are being incorporated into WiMAX through independent development and within the 802.16j, mobile multi-hop relay (MMR) task group. This includes wireless mesh, grids, network remote station repeaters which can extend networks and connect to backhaul.
[edit] Silicon implementations
A critical requirement for the success of a new technology is the availability of low-cost chipsets and silicon implementations.
Intel is a leader in promoting WiMAX, and has developed its own chipset. However, it is notable that most of the major semiconductor companies have to date been more cautious of involvement and most of the solutions come from specialist smaller or start-up suppliers. For client-side these include Altair, Beceem, GCI, Runcom and a number of others. Both Sequans and Wavesat manufacture solutions for both clients and network while Picochip is focussed on WiMAX chipsets for basestations.
Tak terasa umur bangsa ini sudah bertambah satu tahun, meskipun masih bisa dibilang muda sekali dibanding negara-negara Eropa. Tapi lebih tua daripada negara di kawasan Asia Tenggara seperti Vietnam. Umur suatu bangsa itu relatif……
Aku malu jadi bangsa “Indonesia” yang dicap bangsa pemalas
Yang hanya bisa korupsi di semua bidang / aspek kehidupan tanpa bisa memberi nilai tambah buat bangsanya.
Mudah-mudahan dengan adanya P’ Hendarman “Jaksa Agung” baru kita….semua ini bisa direduksi atau malah di-eliminasi, tapi ini semua butuh komitmen semua orang untuk menjaga hatinya dan mengajak semua orang untuk menjauhi sifat “aji mumpung”
Aku malu jadi bangsa “Indonesia” yang dicap bangsa tanpa visi
Yang hanya bisa menjual asset bangsanya sendiri ke negara lain, tanpa memperhitungkan nilai asset tersebut 10 tahun ke depan ( boro-boro mikirin visi 10 tahun, 5 tahun saja nggak kepikiran )
Untuk masalah visi, lumayan Presiden SBY sudah mencanangkan visi Indonesia di 2030, misalnya visi kenaikan Income Perkapita penduduk Indonesia yang sejajar dengan negara-negara Eropa, kutipannya : “ Indonesia di tahun 2030 akan menjadi negara maju dan sejahtera. Visi 2030 akan mempunyai empat pencapaian :
1. Indonesia akan masuk dalam lima besar kekuatan ekonomi dunia dengan tingkat pendapatan per kapita sebesar 18.000 dollar Amerika Serikat (AS) per tahun. Ini berarti Indonesia berada di posisi setelah China, India, AS, dan Uni Eropa.
2. Sedikitnya 30 perusahaan Indonesia masuk daftar 500 perusahaan besar dunia.
3. Adanya pengelolaan alam yang berkelanjutan
4. Terwujudnya kualitas hidup yang merata
Untuk mencapai misi tersebut, menurut Yayasan Indonesia Forum, mensyaratkan beberapa hal, pertama, ekonomi berbasiskan keseimbangan pasar terbuka dengan dukungan birokrasi yang efektif. Kedua, adanya pembangunan sumber daya alam, manusia, modal, serta teknologi yang berkualitas dan berkelanjutan. Ketiga, perekonomian yang terintegrasi dengan kawasan sekitar dan global.
Pada tahun 2030 nanti, dengan jumlah penduduk sebesar 285 juta jiwa, PDB Indonesia bisa mencapai 5,1 triliun $US. Dengan pendapatan perkapita US$ 18.000 per tahun maka Indonesia akan berada pada posisi kelima ekonomi terbesar setelah China, India, Amerika Serikat dan Uni Eropa. Untuk mencapai cita-cita dan impian ini, beberapa asumsi harus dapat tercapai, yaitu: pertumbuhan ekonomi riil rata-rata 7,62 %, laju inflasi 4,95 %, dan pertumbuhan penduduk rata-rata hanya 1,12 % per-tahun.” atau masuknya beberapa perusahaan nasional sebagai World Class Company di Fortune
Tapi kenapa nggak sekalian visi Indonesia 2045 yaaaa…….itu tepat umur Indonesia akan 100 tahun “ Indonesia harus menjadi top Five yang dipertimbangkan di dunia dalam aspek ekonomi dan politik “
• Tingkatkan Attitude bangsa ini dengan menanamkan jiwa disiplin, budaya malu dan berjiwa besar sejak dini……sejak kecil agar generasi yang akan memimpin Indonesia di tahun 2045 adalah generasi yang unggul dari semua aspek
• Pacu kinerja perusahaan-perusahaan Blue Chip yang ada di BEJ yang seharusnya sudah bisa mandiri dan tidak diuntungkan oleh peraturan dari pemerintah untuk bisa memperoleh profit, sehingga company culture mereka sudah siap dari sekarang untuk Go International…..inilah harapan kita untuk mencapai visi Go Internationalkan sebanyak mungkin perusahaan-perusahaan Indonesia, mudah-mudahan nasib Indosat masih bisa diselamatkan dari Temasek Holding Company ( sungguh keputusan yang sangat tidak kompeten dan tidak berwawasan masa depan untuk menjual asset komunikasi nasional ke Negara lain )
• Hilangkan ketergantungan dari IMF & Bank Dunia ( presiden Bank Dunia saja ditunjuk oleh Presiden Amerika yang notabene punya muatan politik untuk setiap aliran dana yang dikeluarkan oleh mereke ke negara lain….masak kita mau diatur oleh bangsa yang sudah hancur di dalamnya seperti “daun yang dimakan ulat” )
• Perpendek kontrak kerja dengan asing untuk masalah pertambangan MIGAS, MINERAL LOGAM dan HASIL BUMI….yang terlalu men-dewa-kan bangsa asing. Ingat !!!…kita sudah terlalu lama di-buai atau di-bodohi oleh mereka dengan kontrak investasi jangka panjang yang tidak membuat bangsa ini lebih pintar dengan menyerap teknologi mereka . Tetapi justru mem-bodohi bangsa ini dengan semakin memperbanyak orang-orang yang mencari celah untuk membocori proyek-proyek tersebut untuk kepentingan pribadinya
Friday, June 08, 2007
In tech, it pays to follow Terry Matthews
Terrance Matthews, the technology entrepreneur who led the Mitel Networks growth story in the 1980s and the Newbridge Networks growth story in the 1990s, is now working on doing the same with March Networks Corp.. Given Matthews’ proven capabilities, owning some shares in March Networks, a provider of video-based intelligence tools, would seem to be a good bet.
But the stock was always been rather expensive since going public in 2002. Now, in the past three months, it has lost more than half its value and sits 10% below the IPO price. In March, a major customer, Wal Mart, announced it was cutting orders. And this week the company revised projected 2008 earnings downward from breakeven to a loss of $5 to $10 million (due to a ramping up of spending on new products and marketing efforts).
Matthews is good at sniffing out the growth seams in technology, as Mitel and Newbridge demonstrate. When he moves on to saying expanding broadband capacity makes video applications over Internet Protocol “an area of frontier work, an area with upside beyond belief," you better believe it.
At least his fellow executives/directors seem to. Since the collapse, four of them have purchased over $300,000 worth of shares. And Matthew’s investment company, Wesley Clover Corp., is sitting on 4.1 million shares (for which he’ll likely want to get a good price).
Berita paling hangat saat ini adalah adanya wacana untuk melegalisasi "ganja" oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Lha wong....dilarang keras untuk d-edarkan saja sudah banyak generasi muda yang terjerumus, kok akan di-legal-kan ????
Apakah generasi muda bangsa akan jadi tambah hancur, lebih hancur dari moral bangsa kita saat ini yang sudah mengalami degradasi ini
Apa nggak gila tho ?? para pemimpin bangsa sudah pada keblinger semua apa yaa ?
Ada opini kalau ganja pengaruh mabuknya hanya sesaat...beda dengan putau / shabu yang akan membuat orang ketagihan.
Ini orang yang ngomong mikir atau nggak yaa ???
Mabuk sesaat itu khan seperti khamer / bir (jelas-jelas sudah HARAM)....dan pasti itu akan lebih banyak mudarat-nya daripada manfaatnya
Disisi lain wacana untuk poligami....langsung ditentang habis oleh semua kalangan (terutama ibu-ibu yang lebih banyak curiganya dulu daripada logikanya, yang mengangap poligami itu hanya untuk alasan nafsu saja......coba ibu-ibu pikir lokalisasi atau pelacuran itu apa nggak timbul karena nafsu syahwat juga dan bukannya ini malah yang harus dibersihkan)
Padahal hal ini merupakan teladan dari Rasul......kalau kita melakukannya dengan niat yang benar
Kalau hal seperti ini terus berlanjut....yang benar disalahkan dan yang salah dianggap benar, bisa-bisa orang Indonesia malu untuk menjadi bangsa Indonesia
Monday, April 23, 2007
An IP phone system for your enterprise can help your employees work smarter, faster, and save money - all at the same time.
This is a challenging time for any business, big or small. Rising costs, competitive pressures, and the increasing demands of customers require solutions that leverage the latest in technology and can be customized to fit the needs of a specific organization.
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The ShoreTel IP phone system gives you immediate results as well as the capability to easily expand and grow as your business does. Better yet, the flexibility of the ShoreTel system allows you to customize it to meet the needs of your particular industry, whether healthcare, government, retail, education, manufacturing or financial.
Learn how companies of all sizes and across all industries have used IP PBX systems from ShoreTel to improve their businesses and reduce operational costs.
Using Product Recommendations For Profit
Using Product Recommendations To Increase Your Bottom Line
In affiliate marketing, there are many ways in which you can increase your earnings and maintain the account that you have worked so hard for already. Most of the techniques and tactics can be learned easily. No need to go anywhere and any further. They are available online, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.
One of the more important ways of increasing affiliate marketing bottom line and sale is through the use of product recommendations. Many marketers know that this is one of the most effective ways in promoting a certain product.
If the customers or visitors trust you enough, then they will definitely trust your recommendations. Be very careful in using this approach, though. If you start promoting everything by recommendation, your credibility will actually wear thin. This is seen especially when recommendations are seemingly exaggerated and without much merit.
Do not be afraid to mention things that you do not like about a given product or service. Rather than lose any points for you, this will make your recommendation more realistic and will tend to increase your credibility.
Furthermore, if your visitors are really interested in what you are offering, they will be more than delighted to learn what is good about the product, what is not so good, and how the product will benefit them.
When you are recommending a certain product, there are some things to remember on how to make it work effectively and for your advantage.
Sound like the true and leading expert in your field.
Remember this simple equation: Price resistance diminishes in direct proportion to trust. If your visitors feel and believe that you are an expert in your niche, they are more inclined to making that purchase. On the other hand, if you are not exuding any confidence and self-assurance in endorsing your products, they will probably feel that same way and will go in search of another product or service which is more believable.
How do you establish this aura of expertise? By offering unique and new solutions they would not get anywhere else. Show proof that what you are promoting works as promised. Display prominent testimonials and endorsements from respected and known personalities, in related fields of course.
Avoid hype at all costs. It is better to sound low key and confident, than to scream and seek attention. Besides, you would not want to sound unprofessional and have that thinking stick to your potential customers and clients, now would you? Best to appear cool and self-assured at the same time.
And remember; prospects are not stupid. They are actually turning to experts and may already know the things that you know. If you back up your claims with hard facts and data, they would gladly put down hundreds, or even thousands worth of money to your promotions. But if you don’t, they are smart enough to try and look at your competitors and what they are offering.
While recommending a product, it is also important that you give out promotional freebies. People are already familiar with the concept of offering freebies to promoting your won products. But very few people do this to promote affiliate products. Try to offer freebies that can promote or even have some information about your products or services.
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Named Adenium cultivars are almost always propagated by grafting (with the exception of a cultivar like A. arabicum "Golden Crown"). Most specialist Adenium growers (including us) propagate and sell only grafted plants. Some very large growers who grow Adeniums for the pot plant trade grow their plants from cuttings but their cultivar range is limited and selected more for the ease with which they adapt to these commercial growing conditions than special flower color etc.
Recently some commercial Adenium growers have started offering seeds as Named Adenium seeds: I feel that this is a serious misrepresentation of the product: first, in all cases the seed parent is the only one known, the pollen parent is variable. Second, as repeat crosses have shown us, Adenium cultivars are extremely variable genetically and seedlings from any one cross may have very varied progeny. Adenium breeding is nowhere near the stage that would allow seeds to be offered by name like bedding plants.
Finally, seedlings are not the best type of plant for most amateurs to grow: seedlings will take many months to years to flower; even when they do, the frequency, quantity and size of the flowers in juvenile plants is usually less than that achieved by grafting mature scion material on vigorous rootstock. Most seedlings will also flower at a greater height than grafted material. The situation is similar to growing a rose or fruit plant from seed- essential as a breeding tool and other purposes, it should not be used to produce plants for the grower and hobbyist.
We do offer special hybrid seed but by color, not name- this much more honestly represents what the buyer is going to get from the seeds. The progeny is often superb, better than many old named cultivars but it is highly variable.
Root Cuttings:
Swollen roots of Adenium swazicum will, in time, sprout shoots. Though interesting, it is not a viable means of propagation. I discovered this ability after a large A. swazicum plant had rotted and the roots were intact and still buried in the medium- they started sprouting some months later. Though hardly a recommended route for propagation, this does show some possibilities.
Air Layering:
Airlayering is a better, faster and safer system than stem cuttings. It is still used to propagate large branches for landscape use in S.E. Asia. I have seen air layered branches with small coir filled root balls for sale in bulk at Bangkok's Chatuchak Weekend Market, most likely for landscape applications.
Since the news of Cliff Muntu’s death television news stations have repeatedly shown old footage of training exercises at the civil service academy involving much karate style kicking and punching of students, and IPDN Rector Nyoman Sumarayadi later admitted that two other students had been punched to death in recent years, these being Eri Rachman and Wahyu Hidayat from West Java in 2000 and 2003 respectively. Since the school was established in 1994 seven deaths have occurred.
" Mas-mas dan Mba'-mba' di IPDN kok pada jadi munafik yaaaa ( bersatu padu aksi tutup mulut tidak membuka kebenaran demi tidak dibubarkannya IPDN )......apakah pelajaran karate & kick boxing di lembaga pendidikan itu dianggap sudah biasa ??? dan adanya kelompok-kelompok elite di suatu komunitas pasti akan menimbulkan efek dominasi di kelompok tersebut
Kalau memang itu dilakukan oleh berapa oknum saja di IPDN...yaaa harap dibersihkan sampai akar-akarnya "
Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Did you know..??
PT.Dirgantara Indonesia (PT.DI) manufactures the flap and nose parts for the Boeing B-777 and B-787 Dreamliner and some body parts for the Airbus A320 and Airbus A380 Double Decker
It’s also signed contracts for the manufacture of parts for Spain’s CASA, for torpedos, rockets and satellite components.
But elements of trust from our government remains lacking. Financial support doesn’t have to be in the form of cash. Support in the form of new business is more valuable, such as if the need of the Indonesian Air Force (TNI AU); presindential aircraft ( Sultan’s Brunei personal aircraft have CN-235, Malaysia and Thailand aircraft also have CN-235 ) could be order from PT.DI, the company could have been flooded with orders ……..
How about Indonesian presindential aircraft ???
“If only the Indonesian presidential aircraft was made by PT.DI, it would be a big promotion for the company”

NEXIAN “Local Brand Global Aims”
Is local contains handheld cell phones that produced by PT. Inti Pisma International ( formed by PT. J-Tech Indonesia & PT. INTI in August 2004 )
They will be launched its latest model, the NX 700, in March 2007. Is the first to be classified as a national product, with 40% local content, the result of research and development at the company’s factory at Karawang in West Java.
They are playing in nice market from the market leader in cell phone manufacturer such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson, Motorola, Samsung, LG etc. They also confront with the industry giants by making image “cheapest cell phone” by bundling packet with Bakrie’s Esia brand.
Sunday, April 01, 2007

(Indonesian Political on UN Resolution)
In 1986, he continued his studies at MS level in the same university. In 1989, he became a member of the Board of Civil Engineering Faculty of the Science and
Dr. Ahmadi Nejad is familiar with English language. During the years when he was teaching in the university, he wrote many scientific papers and engaged in scientific research in various fields. During the same period, he also supervised the theses of tens of students at MS and Ph.D. levels on different subjects of civil engineering, road and transportation as well as construction management.
While still a student, Dr. Ahmadi Nejad engaged in political activities by attending religious and political meetings before the Islamic Revolution. With the victory of the Islamic Revolution, he became a founder and also a member of the Islamic Association of Students in the Science and
Dr. Ahmadi Nejad is married and has three children- two sons and one daughter.
Career Background:
- Governor of Maku
- Governor of Khoy
- Advisor to the Governor General of Kordistan Province
- Advisor for cultural affairs to the Minister of Culture and Higher Education (1993)
- Governor General of Ardabil Province (1993-1997)
- Member of the Board of Civil Engineering Faculty of the Science and Technology University (since 1989 till present date)
- Tehran Mayor (2003-2005)
- He was elected by the Iranian people as the President during the 9th presidential election on June 24, 2005.
In addition to his academic and scientific pursuits as well as his executive positions, Dr. Ahmadi Nejad has engaged in the following careers and activities as well:
- Journalism; writing various political, social, cultural and economic articles,
- In the same career, he also held the position of managing director of Hamshahri newspaper and launched various affiliated periodicals including Neighborhood Hamshahri published and distributed in 22 areas of the city of Tehran, Hamshahri for Passengers, Diplomatic Hamshahri, Youth Hamshahri, Monthly Hamshahri and also extra pages attached to the Hamshahri newspaper for thinkers, students, etc.
- Founding and working as a member of Iran Tunnel Society,
- Working as a member of Iran Civil Engineering Society,
- Working as a member of the first central council of the Islamic Association of Students in the Science and Technology University,
- Working as a member of the first central council of the Union of Islamic Associations of University and Higher Education Institutes in Iran.
Islamic countries should prepare for materializing Palestinians' rights
Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in a phone talk with his Pakistani counterpart Pervez Musharraf Friday, "Islamic countries must prepare the ground for materializing the Palestinian nation's rights."
Considering the Palestinian crisis as the "most complicated and most important" problem in contemporary history for the Islamic world and for the region, the president said, "The Islamic countries should wisely support the elected Palestinian government and the establishment of peace and stability in the
The Pakistani President, too, that had made the phone call, referring to his regional tour, said that the EU countries' potentials in solving the
Friday, March 16, 2007
Packaged VoIP-over-WiMAX solution in the works
A quartet of telecom companies are working together to build a VoIP-over-WiMAX solution for service providers. AudioCodes is bringing its media gateway. CableMatrix has QoS and policy management covered. Emergent does session border control, and VCom does the WiMAX access. The companies demonstrated the suite this week at the Globalcomm trade show. A VCom official says they'll be doing trials starting this summer, probably in Canada.
This partnership makes sense. VoIP-over-WiMAX market is maturing, with AT&T and Covad, among others, investing heavily in WiMAX implementations with the hope of lowering metro infrastructure costs. Covad's latest step in this direction was to finalize the acquisition of NextWeb, a fixed wireless broadband provider offering "pre-WiMAX" solutions in 175 cities across California and Nevada. The deal closed in February. Look for more major carriers to acquire WiMAX talent and technology in the near future.
Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP), is a technology that allows you to make voice calls using a broadband Internet connection instead of a regular (or analog) phone line. Some VoIP services may only allow you to call other people using the same service, but others may allow you to call anyone who has a telephone number - including local, long distance, mobile, and international numbers. Also, while some VoIP services only work over your computer or a special VoIP phone, other services allow you to use a traditional phone connected to a VoIP adapter.

Frequently Asked Questions
How VoIP / Internet Voice Works
VoIP services convert your voice into a digital signal that travels over the Internet. If you are calling a regular phone number, the signal is converted to a regular telephone signal before it reaches the destination. VoIP can allow you to make a call directly from a computer, a special VoIP phone, or a traditional phone connected to a special adapter. In addition, wireless "hot spots" in locations such as airports, parks, and cafes allow you to connect to the Internet and may enable you to use VoIP service wirelessly.
What Kind of Equipment Do I Need?
A broadband (high speed Internet) connection is required. This can be through a cable modem, or high speed services such as DSL or a local area network. A computer, adaptor, or specialized phone is required. Some VoIP services only work over your computer or a special VoIP phone, while other services allow you to use a traditional phone connected to a VoIP adapter. If you use your computer, you will need some software and an inexpensive microphone. Special VoIP phones plug directly into your broadband connection and operate largely like a traditional telephone. If you use a telephone with a VoIP adapter, you'll be able to dial just as you always have, and the service provider may also provide a dial tone.
Is there a difference between making a Local Call and a Long Distance Call?
Some VoIP providers offer their services for free, normally only for calls to other subscribers to the service. Your VoIP provider may permit you to select an area code different from the area in which you live. It also means that people who call you may incur long distance charges depending on their area code and service.
Some VoIP providers charge for a long distance call to a number outside your calling area, similar to existing, traditional wireline telephone service. Other VoIP providers permit you to call anywhere at a flat rate for a fixed number of minutes.
If I have VoIP service, who can I call?
Depending upon your service, you might be limited only to other subscribers to the service, or you may be able to call anyone who has a telephone number - including local, long distance, mobile, and international numbers. If you are calling someone who has a regular analog phone, that person does not need any special equipment to talk to you. Some VoIP services may allow you to speak with more than one person at a time.
What Are Some Advantages of VoIP?
Some VoIP services offer features and services that are not available with a traditional phone, or are available but only for an additional fee. You may also be able to avoid paying for both a broadband connection and a traditional telephone line.
What Are Some disadvantages of VoIP?
If you're considering replacing your traditional telephone service with VoIP, there are some possible differences:
Some VoIP services don't work during power outages and the service provider may not offer backup power.
Not all VoIP services connect directly to emergency services through 9-1-1. For additional information, see
VoIP providers may or may not offer directory assistance/white page listings.
Can I use my Computer While I talk on the Phone?
In most cases, yes.
Can I Take My Phone Adapter with me When I Travel?
Some VoIP service providers offer services that can be used wherever a high speed Internet connection available. Using a VoIP service from a new location may impact your ability to connect directly to emergency services through 9-1-1. For additional information, see
Does my Computer Have to be Turned on?
Only if your service requires you to make calls using your computer. All VoIP services require your broadband Internet connection to be active.
How Do I Know If I have a VoIP phone Call?
If you have a special VoIP phone or a regular telephone connected to a VoIP adapter, the phone will ring like a traditional telephone. If your VoIP service requires you to make calls using your computer, the software supplied by your service provider will alert you when you have an incoming call.
Does the FCC Regulate VoIP?
In June 2005 the FCC imposed 911 obligations on providers of “interconnected” VoIP services – VoIP services that allow users generally to make calls to and receive calls from the regular telephone network. You should know, however, that 911 calls using VoIP are handled differently than 911 calls using your regular telephone service. Please see our consumer fact sheet on VoIP and 911 services at for complete information on these differences.